Is making money in  the Interior Design Industry getting you down…AGAIN?

Are you wondering where to pivot to next? Or if you should even stay in the industry anymore?

Have you asked yourself is this REALLY the end of the Interior Design Industry as we know it this time?

Is making money in  the Interior Design Industry getting you down…AGAIN?

Are you wondering where to pivot to next? Or if you should even stay in the industry anymore?

Have you asked yourself is this REALLY the end of the Interior Design Industry as we know it this time?

Staying competitive in the design industry has become damn near impossible.

We’re competing against instant gratification, affordable prices, and easy accessibility to almost everything and it’s a losing battle. 

The quantity of the population that still values the quality of high-end design and are willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars for it is no longer enough to keep everyone in business.  

In order to survive, you must be willing to adapt and pivot. What you need is a new revenue stream.

This is why I’m teaching a LIVE 3-part training on

How To Create Revenue Streams

I’ll be covering everything you need to know to launch a fresh, innovative, new stream of income so that you’re no longer solely dependent on the instability of traditional design services.  

The live trainings are:
July 18 - Receive Recording Immediately
August 2 -  Receive Recording Immediately
September 5, 1 - 2:30 pm CT

These trainings will teach you how to create a revenue stream in each category:

  • Done in a Day interior design services
  • Courses and Memberships
  • Coaching/Consulting
  • Virtual Design Services
  • E-Commerce
  • Short term rentals

During these classes you will learn:

  • What the potential costs are to develop each revenue stream
  • What decisions to make during the feasibility phase of the process
  • What it takes to create, price and launch each type of new revenue streams

After these classes you will be able to:

  • Take the first steps to start your new revenue stream
  • Increase the profit in your business
  • Monetize your intellectual property

Being financially successful in 2023 involves a lot more than just offering beautiful designs. 

We have quite a lot of hurdles in front of us to be successful designers. But I am breaking it down for you so that we can figure out where to go next in our businesses and what we are willing to do to be successful. 

Don’t tolerate another slow season in your design business…Create and launch a new stream of income that makes it easier to weather the consistent ups and downs of the design industry.

This is why I’m teaching a LIVE 3-part training on How To Create Additional Revenue Streams

I’ll be covering everything you need to know to launch a fresh, innovative, new stream of income so that you’re no longer solely dependent on the instability of traditional design services.  

The live trainings are held:
July 18 - Receive Recording Immediately
Aug 2 -  Receive Recording Immediately
Sept 5, 1 - 2:30 pm CT

These trainings will teach you how to create a revenue stream in each category:

  • Done in a Day interior design services
  • Courses and Memberships
  • Coaching/Consulting
  • Virtual Design Services
  • E-Commerce
  • Short term rentals

During these classes you will learn:

  • What the potential costs are to develop each revenue stream
  • What decisions to make during the feasibility phase of the process
  • What it takes to create, price and launch each type of new revenue streams

After these classes you will be able to:

  • Take the first steps to start your new revenue stream
  • Increase the profit in your business
  • Monetize your intellectual property
Dear Designer,

Ok, I have a rant. I am frustrated. In fact I am downright mad. 

Business is Hard. Being an Interior Designer is hard. Being an entrepreneur is hard. 

And with the ever changing landscape of the design and business worlds, how are small businesses supposed to keep their head above water in the constant uncertainty and exhaustion of running their businesses? 

I am both these things…designer, entrepreneur. And business is hard for me, too. And I have a whole team of amazing people surrounding me to help me make it all work. 

But not everyone has that. 

My last big rant was way back in 2019 when I asked the question “Is this the end of interior design?” And compared to 2019 things seem even more volatile now in many ways. 

Business is slow for a lot of designers right now. And if it’s not slow for you, it’s probably just a matter of time. And that’s nothing against you. Creative Entrepreneurship is rife with ups and downs. It’s almost synonymous with the feast or famine cycle. 

And I find myself once again asking the question, is this REALLY the end of interior design this time? 

Not only are we post pandemic, in a softening economy (if not a full blown recession), we’re competing against instant gratification (thanks Amazon!), affordable prices (I see you Home Goods), and easy accessibility by the consumer to previously “to the trade only” products. And we haven’t even discussed what AI may soon do to the industry. 

It can feel like a losing battle. I see Designers leaving the industry every month and I coach with many more who have at least considered it. I get it, I can’t say I haven’t asked myself if it’s a good idea to stay in the industry. 

Traditional full service design may not pay all the bills anymore. 

Because good design at the level we design professionals understand it, is only really affordable and achievable to the most affluent–the 1% of the 1%. 

How many times have we all said, “if I weren’t me, I couldn’t afford me” ? And it’s true. 

I make a multiple 6 figure salary and so does my spouse, but with house payments and car payments and a kiddo heading to college, we don’t have the cash to spend 5 or 6 figures on a design fee and two to three times that on furnishings, drapery and artwork to make our home look like a magazine. The reason our home looks the way it does is because we get the benefit of my design services for free and our products at designer or stocking dealer prices. And I know you know what I mean. 

So what is a designer to do? Who do we have to become to complete in the world of constant digital media and democratization of design? 

And don’t get me wrong, I am not against that democratization. I believe every human deserves a safe, beautiful environment. Life is hard enough already and our spaces can make things even more changing for so many reasons. 

Yet making a living as an interior designer competing against all these changes in the industry can make success feel impossible. 

It’s time to revolutionize how you make money, again. And we’re here to help.

But where do you start? 

Since I first asked the “Is this the end” question over 4 years ago, I have since launched: 

  • Millionaire Mentorship: a high ticket business Mastermind for design professionals
  • Think Tank: A 2 day in-person Mastermind experience in my home
  • New and updated courses for design professionals
  • ​The Online Course Incubator: a 6-month program to help others create courses
  • ​The Legacy Program for Alumni of DesignYou
  • ​Fairley Fancy: an e-commerce store selling furniture, apparel and gifts
  • ​New virtual interior design services for the first time in years
And I am in the process of launching a Short Term Rentals business and considering several more ideas for the next 12-24 months. 

This may sound exhausting to you. I get that. To be honest I enjoy building new things. It’s the way I am designed. 

But mostly I am committed to testing and trying offers to see what today’s consumer and design professionals want and need so I can meet them where they are or even be a few steps ahead of them and so you can too. 

Being willing to try things, to take action, has kept me hitting the million dollar revenue goal year after year, and I want to teach you what I have learned to help you decide what revenue stream is the next right one for you.

That’s why I’m introducing…

How To Create Revenue Streams

A 3-part training on expanding your design business to survive industry uncertainty and have fun in the process.

From how to plan and prep your current business to take on new offers and new customers, to why it’s not just about following the money, but also about following your joy, and the step-by-step execution to get your new revenue stream up and running.   

I have taken everything I’ve learned from launching multiple, different ventures and have broken down the entire strategy for each so that you can know exactly what steps you need to take to start your new revenue stream.

Here are just a few skills you’ll learn:

  • How to not get stuck in the planning phase of your idea 
  • How to think like an innovator (hint: it’s different than thinking like a business owner)
  • ​How to best monetize your intellectual property in a way that is scalable and sustainable
  • ​How to price your offers for success
  • ​How to brand your new revenue stream to make it stand out from the rest
  • ​How to repeat this for future revenue streams

The end result?

✨ You’re making a bonus monthly income while getting to spend more time on the creative side of design work 

✨ You’re perfectly content taking only a few dreamy design projects a year without worrying if you can meet overhead each month. 

✨ You’ll have more time and mental capacity to dream up what’s next for your business.

✨ You’ll have multiple products in the marketplace so that if any one offer is underperforming, you’ve got others to take up the slack 

Grab the Training Series now to prepare your business for today & beyond!

Imagine how much different your business could look if…

  • You made thousands of dollars completing a room design in 1 day—without any follow-up (yes, this is possible!)
  • You spent just a few hours each week maintaining your revenue streams
  • ​You earned $10,000 + every month without relying solely on 1:1 client work
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