You're Drowning In Design Work, But Your Bank Account Is Drying Up.

to all overworked and underpaid creatives:

More work ≠ More money!

Because even though you’re already working nights and weekends, your bank account is dwindling.

Your phone is ringing off the hook — but not with referrals. 

Instead, your nightmare client is demanding a status update on the bathroom tiles that got delayed another three months. Your kid’s school wants you to organize a bake sale fundraiser. And your next project left a voicemail that they’re pushing their remodel until the new year.

Which triggers every creative’s biggest fear: your business will go under if you aren’t hustling 24/7.

You're Drowning In Design Work, But Your Bank Account Is Drying Up.

To all overworked and underpaid creatives:

More work ≠ More money!

Because even though you’re already working nights and weekends, your bank account is dwindling.

Your phone is ringing off the hook — but not with referrals.

Instead, your nightmare client is demanding a status update on the bathroom tiles that got delayed another three months. Your kid’s school wants you to organize a bake sale fundraiser. And your next project left a voicemail that they’re pushing their remodel until the new year.

Which triggers every creative’s biggest fear: your business will go under if you aren’t hustling 24/7.

If you’re ready to work less than 40 hours per week and cash in on your creativity,
then you belong in DesignYou.

Because you dreamed about becoming the next Martha Stewart back when you started your business. (And if you’re honest, you still do!)

Designing magazine-worthy kitchens and launching your own pillow line. Plus finally enjoying family time, gardening and Netflix…

Notice what’s NOT part of your design dreams?

Settling for uninspiring projects, saying yes to cheap referrals, and ignoring red flags with clients just to pay the bills!

Because you can’t build the foundation for a soul-filling, six-figure business by working your ass off and hoping the money follows.

Instead of racing from one project to the next, feeling like you're juuuuuust "making it by," imagine if you could:

  • Develop products and services that easily sell to the right clients in a sustainable business model
  • Generate consistent revenue that makes you more money in 3-6 months than all of last year
  • Establish a brand so unique to you, competition becomes irrelevant
  • Have complete control over your schedule, know your limits, and say "no" with grace
  • Confidently weather any storm in your business (yes, even a pandemic and canceled childcare)
  • Actually have time to do what matters and delegate or eliminate the rest…

Because you dreamed about becoming the next Martha Stewart back when you started your business. (And if you’re honest, you still do!)

Designing magazine-worthy kitchens and launching your own pillow line. Plus finally enjoying family time, gardening and Netflix…

Notice what’s NOT part of your design dreams?

Settling for uninspiring projects, saying yes to cheap referrals, and ignoring red flags with clients just to pay the bills!

Because you can’t build the foundation for a soul-filling, six-figure business by working your ass off and hoping the money follows.

Instead of racing from one project to the next, feeling like you're juuuuuust "making it by," imagine if you could:

  • Develop products and services that easily sell to the right clients in a sustainable business model
  • Generate consistent revenue that makes you more money in 3-6 months than all of last year
  • Establish a brand so unique to you, competition becomes irrelevant
  • Have complete control over your schedule, know your limits, and say "no" with grace
  • Confidently weather any storm in your business (yes, even a pandemic and canceled childcare)
  • Actually have time to do what matters and delegate or eliminate the rest…

You can design a business that fuels your creativity and your bank account.

We'll show you how...

Inside DesignYou you’ll discover your path to business growth and get our scalable systems to support six-figure revenue.

Start by using our Growth Path to identify where your business currently lands in the 5 stages of entrepreneurship. 

We reveal your stage’s biggest time-wasters and the limiting beliefs killing your profit, then help you map out how to reach the next revenue level. 

You’ll figure out how to:

• Prioritize your resources (aka where to spend your time, money and energy!)
• What tasks to delegate,
• Who to hire next and how much to pay them,
• And which systems to set up!

Learning your stage on the Growth Path will also help you decide: which courses to take first in DesignYou, what challenges you want coaching on, and what milestones to work towards.
The Growth Path is your roadmap to maximize DesignYou and grow your business’ bottom line!

Here's how you'll level up inside  the new DesignYou:

Introducing the all-new, premier course, only available inside DesignYou, our:

Design System

We've compiled all of our: systems, SOP's, templates, contracts, project calendars...everything we've developed or had created by professionals to keep our business running smoothly and packaged it just for you. 

Save yourself years of work and hundreds of thousands of dollars developing these systems from scratch. These repeatable systems and processes are pure gold. 

Whether you went to design school or not, it's like handing you a thriving interior design business in a box. 

DesignYou also includes our suite of popular classes:

24 to freedom

Our 24 to Freedom time management system that helps you know exactly how to create freedom in your life. Learn how to create a calendar and scheduling system that works for you, not against you.

Designer MBA

Get the MBA traditional business schools still haven’t caught up with, from an MBA, herself! Leap ahead in your business with a deep dive into pricing your services, attracting your ideal client, marketing your business like a pro, and more.

Digital Marketing for Creatives

Learn the ins-&-outs of building a thriving, scalable online business. Topics include sales funnels, digital marketing, brand building, and more. 

Financials for Creatives

This course teaches you proven strategies and tools, so that you can feel confident when making financial decisions as the CEO of your business.

- then -

Discover exactly how  to put everything you learn  to work in your business  through weekly coaching calls and a highly engaged peer community.

WEEKLY Coaching calls with Tobi Fairley &
Coaching Team

Get coached live on screen with Tobi and the coaching team to tackle your biggest business problems. Prepare yourself for mindset shifts and endless inspiration whether you’re in the hot seat or the audience.

Creative Cohorts

For eight weeks you’ll complete one lesson per week from the signature course we’re focusing on — which during this fall is The Design System. Then every Thursday, you can join an optional office hours session with Tobi and the team to get all of your questions answered.

Come to the cohort calls even if you weren’t able to complete the lesson first. You’ll learn from your peers’ questions so you can start creating better systems right away!

The DesignYou 
Community Hub

Become a part of our private community, where honest conversations and critical feedback occur on the daily. Get ideas, help from other entrepreneurs, and find an accountability partner. Never again feel like you’re doing this alone.

“Tobi will help you make your business more profitable, enjoyable, and meaningful.”

“I will only work with a coach who has already achieved what I'm looking to do. Tobi has achieved incredible success, and I appreciate that she understands that implementation is the most important aspect of her program. Through DesignYou, Tobi will help you redefine your business and make it more profitable, enjoyable, and more meaningful.”

—Konni Tanaka

Join now!

DesignYou One Year Program

  • Premier Design System
  • ​Signature Course: Digital Marketing for Creatives
  • ​Signature Course: Financials for Creatives
  • ​Signature Course: Designer MBA
  • ​Signature Course: 24 to Freedom
  • Weekly Coaching Calls with Tobi & Coaches
  • ​Expert Coaching Support
  • ​DesignYou Community Hub
  • 5-Part Success Path
1 payment of


3 payments of


12 payments of


(Scholarship pricing is 1 payment of $2,100 or 12 payments of $175)

There are a few things in your life that split it into a before/after. 

Marriage. Motherhood. Starting your business.

Add to that list:

Joining DesignYou.

Don’t just take it from me.

Hear it from our DesignYou members:

“DesignYou is truly transformative.”

“I came into DesignYou completely overwhelmed, unsure of what to do next and how to do it. I was so tired of running myself into the ground trying to "do it all", wasting so much time. I’ve gotten so much clarity in what I need to do next. The steps and processes are so straight forward. I also LOVE the community aspect & having other like-minded individuals to bounce ideas off of. DesignYou is truly transformative. It is work and the changes you implement in your business and life will not happen overnight. It is certainly a financial & time investment but the wealth of knowledge among others within the community, Tobi's team, and Tobi herself is invaluable. You have to be prepared to challenge so much of your own thinking and commit to yourself that you will do the work. You owe it to yourself and when you do, you will see changes in your life, your home, and especially, your business.” 

—Johanna Adamiak

“I knew there was a better way...”

“I joined DesignYou looking for an answer to overwhelm. I knew there was a better way, I just didn't know what or how. Tobi not only "gets it" but I was attracted to her direct, no-nonsense style. The reality is Tobi is a life coach, not just a business coach -- and I never would have signed up for a ‘life coaching’ program but after I joined DesignYou, I realized that my thoughts are everything! The fact that this is a program about my thoughts and how it relates to everything else has made a profound shift in how I want to work and how I want to live. And the caliber of peers in this program is much higher than in other programs. I like to be surrounded by high-achievers. They challenge me and force me to grow in ways I likely would not otherwise. Join DesignYou! Your future self will thank you.” 

—Ruxana Oosman

How Maria Videla Revamped Her Mindset & Skyrocketed Her Revenue

“I’m showing up in a new way, & every week it gets better.”

How Jessica Velazquez Gained Confidence In Herself & Her Business

“My online presence now is earning money on it's own and above everything, I gained clarity.”

How Amy Pottenger Changed Her Mind & Grew Her Business

“I had to work on my personal development in order to move my business forward.”

How Lori Fischer Made Over $10,000 in 6 Weeks

“I can’t begin to describe how valuable DesignYou is — from the content to the much-needed kick in the pants.”

How Fritzi Hemphill Changed Her Mindset to Better Serve Her Clients

“The mindset work for me has absolutely given me the results that I've been looking for.” 

How Gwen DeBruyn Ditched Fear & Maximized Profits

“DesignYou has been one of the best things I’ve ever done—for my business and my life.” 

How Lynne Niehaus Leaned Into Her Creativity & Said Yes To Success

“There are so many things DesignYou brought home for me. It’s been huge.”

How Kaitlyn Loos Started Her Business Right with DesignYou

“I’ve always dreamed of doing this work. And now I’m doing it.”

How Renée Biery Pivoted Her Business with Confidence

“I would not be where I am now if I didn't have the framework, the guardrails, and the cheerleading from DesignYou.”

Banishing Fear & Finding Inspiration with Jill Kalman

“DesignYou made me discover so much about myself. I got over so many fears and realized I can do anything.”

Ready  to design your business  to be scalable and profitable? Let’s do  this.

Hey there—Tobi here...

I see you, fellow creative entrepreneur: Grinding out long hours driven by a to-do list that’s killing you; playing victim to the feast and famine cycle of lead generation and cash flow; overdelivering to “dream” clients and ending up feeling overworked and underpaid. In other words, I see you playing small and staying comfortable.

Only, it’s not really comfortable, is it?

I see you because I was you, and heck, I thought I was doing the work: Creating content, attending meetings, showing up for trainings, trying to get in publications, watching experts on social media…

...and I’d still be there, if I hadn’t decided to step off the never-ending treadmill of work, buckle down, and get strategic. That decision allowed me to build not one, but two seven-figure businesses, and enabled me to empower countless other creatives to stop trading dollars for hours and take their businesses farther than they could’ve imagined.

I know now: All actions are not created equal. Actions are irrelevant if they’re not creating the results you want.

I created DesignYou to help creative women entrepreneurs like you transform from service provider to thought leader, doing the internal work that allows you to take the actions that design your business so it supports your goals.

You didn’t start your business to play by someone else’s rules. In DesignYou, I will support you every step of the way in figuring out—and fulfilling—what you choose.

Choice is the most powerful force I know.

What choice will you make today?

Hey there—Tobi here...

I see you, fellow creative entrepreneur: Grinding out long hours driven by a to-do list that’s killing you; playing victim to the feast and famine cycle of lead generation and cash flow; overdelivering to “dream” clients and ending up feeling overworked and underpaid. In other words, I see you playing small and staying comfortable.

Only, it’s not really comfortable, is it?

I see you because I was you, and heck, I thought I was doing the work: Creating content, attending meetings, showing up for trainings, trying to get in publications, watching experts on social media…

...and I’d still be there, if I hadn’t decided to step off the never-ending treadmill of work, buckle down, and get strategic. That decision allowed me to build not one, but two seven-figure businesses, and enabled me to empower countless other creatives to stop trading dollars for hours and take their businesses farther than they could’ve imagined.

I know now: All actions are not created equal. Actions are irrelevant if they’re not creating the results you want.

I created DesignYou to help creative women entrepreneurs like you transform from service provider to thought leader, doing the internal work that allows you to take the actions that design your business so it supports your goals.

You didn’t start your business to play by someone else’s rules. In DesignYou, I will support you every step of the way in figuring out—and fulfilling—what you choose.

Choice is the most powerful force I know.

What choice will you make today?

While I have you:

Let’s get super clear on whether DesignYou is right for you.

DesignYou is the perfect fit for you if…

  • You’re done with the stress and overwhelm that comes from trying to be all things to all people while you run your business.
  • You want to earn more with less hustle and less struggle. You’re ready to focus on your sweet spot and scale sustainably, sticking to your zone of genius. You’re ready to generate smart revenue that doesn’t rely on trading your hours to earn an income.
  • You don’t consider your business a hobby. You’re committed to making big shifts in your business, and you’re more than willing to push yourself outside of your comfort zone to see results.

DesignYou isn’t for you if…

  • You’re not willing to work on yourself. You can invest in all the tools and get zero results. You can spend thousands of dollars on a coach to tell you the right path, but it will be a waste of money…unless you’re willing to do the work on yourself.
  • You’re content with the status quo. DesignYou will transform you—that means shedding the old, putting in hard work, and embracing the new.
  • You want a quick fix + a specific how-to. Our DesignYou members know that there’s no such thing as an overnight shift. They understand that a 6- and 7-figure business (especially one filled with ease, joy, and consistent cash flow) won’t happen overnight. They don’t want to follow someone else’s blueprint; they want to build a strategic one for themselves.
“I was thinking that there had to be a way to work less and make more. I joined DesignYou for Digital Marketing for Creatives—I wanted the coaching calls but was skeptical about being able to get help. Now, the coaching calls are my favorite! I’m always able to get help and learn so much from watching others being coached. The mindset work alone is huge, life changing stuff! It is half the cost of therapy and infinitely better in teaching you the skills to manage life's most difficult problems.”

—Marcia Sweigert
“I have been part of a lot of other courses where there's so many people, you don't ever really get to ask a question one-on-one with the person running it, so to have someone who knows that much and takes the time to know me personally is amazing. Tobi has this great combination of being really kind and warm, but also super challenging. It's a great combination.” 

—Jill Pulver

DesignYou meets you where you are with content, coaching, courses, and community  that’s  there when you need it.

We’ve intentionally built DesignYou so that you can participate as efficiently as possible—making more time to do the work and see results.

Do it anytime, anywhere.

Choose when you have the time to work on your business, make a plan, and access the materials at any time, whether that’s while you’re making breakfast, during the work day, or while the kids sleep. 

Eliminate the distractions.

For the duration of your subscription, all content is accessible via our DesignYou site. Built on Mighty Networks, it’s a private, intimate, safe space beautifully separated from the distractions of Facebook.

By this time next year (heck, by this time next month), you’ll be well on your way to running a business that makes you more money, allows you to help more people, and frees up more time to do the things you love.

Whether you’re a business rookie or you’ve been at your craft for decades, DesignYou will teach you to think differently as you transform your mindset, schedule, and business model.

Join  the hundreds of creatives who’ve used DesignYou  to create results-oriented action  that works.

DesignYou One Year Program

  • Premier Design System
  • ​Signature Course: Digital Marketing for Creatives
  • ​Signature Course: Financials for Creatives
  • ​Signature Course: Designer MBA
  • ​Signature Course: 24 to Freedom
  • Weekly Coaching Calls with Tobi & Coaches
  • ​Expert Coaching Support
  • ​DesignYou Community Hub
  • 5-Part Success Path
1 payment of


3 payments of


12 payments of


(Scholarship pricing is 1 payment of $2,100 or 12 payments of $175)

“I can't even begin to quantify the value...”

“You already are entrepreneurial, as well as creative. Tobi is the one that helps you use that entrepreneurial spirit and create a business that works. She understands how to help you. And, at the same time, she understands that you're responsible for the results. Tobi doesn’t come with the warm and fuzzies and all that fluff -- this woman has really got a first-class brain. The group calls where she does one-on-one coaching...I can't even begin to quantify the value that has because I get something out of every person she coaches, even if it's not my particular issue. I can't think of any program you can get for the amount of money that you pay for DesignYou, where you're getting to talk to the actual brain behind the scenes. DesignYou has impacted how I run my business, how I approach pricing, how I approach relationships with my clients, how I find my clients -- everything. Tobi is a known quantity for me -- I’ve been learning from her for nearly 10 years. I’ll never get to the point where I can say, ‘I’ve learned all I can from this woman.’”

—Meredith Bohn

“Tobi's commitment to your success is so incredible.”

“I think the challenge when you start a business very often are thinking about doing the creative and not really thinking about running the business. Since I’ve joined DesignYou, I’ve gotten really clear on my service offerings. It was the spark I needed and it is the engagement to keep me going. In the beginning of launching new things, it feels like maybe nobody's listening. Maybe it's a bad idea. Maybe you should abandon it. Maybe you are wasting your time...and Tobi and the DesignYou community are right there to continue to reinforce your idea, to encourage you to stick with it, give it time, and stay focused. Most people don't realize how much work it takes to do what we are doing, and Tobi's commitment to your success is so incredible. Not only that, but she is the real deal. It's very easy for people to tell you what to do. It's a whole different thing to be living it and doing it. She is that...and, she gives you a kick in the pants very nicely.”

—Lori Fischer

“You will receive so much more from DesignYou than you could ever expect or imagine.”

“I had come up with my own systems to ‘make it by’ when starting out, but never had organized, efficient, automated systems that provided the support needed for a healthy business & future growth. I wanted to determine how much of my struggle was ‘just the industry’ vs my systems. DesignYou has given me confidence. Hearing of others’ struggles allows me to realize I am not alone in mine and that I have the power to change what I want to change. I specifically love the community sharing and feedback. The most valued, though certainly unexpected, aspect is members’ willingness to share ideas. I believe that we can all help one another grow and do better, thereby living our best lives if we share, collaborate and support one another - that actively happens within this group. You will receive so much more from DesignYou than you could ever expect or imagine. If you are actively invested in your personal and professional growth, this program and community has the potential to be the catapult forward to achieve your goals.”

—Brooke Webber

Now, it’s your turn for some Q’s. Let me see if I can help:

I’m in. What happens next?

First: We drop everything and do a dance. (No, really. You should, too.) Next: We’ll get your invite to DesignYou sent to your email straight away and you’ll be in, creating your profile and introducing yourself in no time. Finally: Your Dedicated Success Coach will be in touch to get your 1:1 Onboarding Call on the calendar so you can design your strategy and begin your transformation from day one.

Is DesignYou for me if I’m not an interior designer?

Our program is customized for interior designers and the content is focused on running a thriving interior design business. However, many concepts that we cover —feast and famine; time scarcity; overwhelm; being overworked and underpaid; wearing all the hats—apply to all creative entrepreneurs. More than 90% of our members are interior designers so we don’t customize the program to other specialties, but you are welcome to join us and apply what we teach to your industry.

How much 1:1 time will I get with you, Tobi?

DesignYou is a group coaching program, so the best way is by joining me, and our coaching team, on the weekly live coaching calls where I answer as many questions as possible by virtually calling on you to join me on-screen during the call. There are multiple opportunities to interact directly with me in the DesignYou program, including live webinars and summits where you can submit questions in real-time via Zoom in the live chat box and the team or I will answer—and you’ll find me in the community forum, as well. Plus, DesignYou offers support from SO many additional people — my team, the guest experts I bring in, and your fellow interior designers.

Will you teach me, step-by-step, how you set up my business? 

Yes! I’m thrilled to share with you the exact processes and step-by-step systems used in my own successful design business. It’s taken a long time for my team and me to gather everything from our best SOP’s (standard operating procedures), templates, contract, project timelines… really, everything it takes to keep our business running like a well-oiled machine—now available to transform your business too. 

We’ll show you how to put these same systems and processes to work in your business to streamline your days, better communicate with your team, and optimize your client experience. Save yourself hundreds of hours of work and thousands of dollars creating these systems, processes, and templates from scratch. We’re opening up the back end of my business to help you improve yours!

What is a Success Coach?

When you join DesignYou, we pair you with a Success Coach—like your own personal trainers—for your business, of course. 

After your initial onboarding call, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with your coach on weekly live group calls, during critiques and as you celebrate milestones along the success path. Your coach will be with you throughout the program, tracking your progress and results as you go through the Success Path.

You come to us because you want results. We know when life gets busy, it’s easy to put yourself last and check out on your own dreams. The team behind DesignYou is here to make sure you don’t burn out while pursuing your dreams.

What if I can’t make the live calls?

The live calls are where a lot of magic happens for DesignYou members—but you don’t have to miss that magic just because you can’t make it live. Take it from DesignYou member Maria Videla, who hasn’t made a live call yet, but caught the recordings, took the advice, and was able to make more in the first 6 months of 2020 (despite a pandemic!) than she did in all of 2019. All call recordings are uploaded to the DesignYou hub within 24 hours for you to watch (and re-watch) when you can.

How much time do I need to dedicate to DesignYou?

My question for you: How successful do you want to be?

We’re pros at using our “lack of time” to avoid things that challenge us. You’ll never have more time than you do now. Things will never truly settle. You must choose to use your time now to invest in your future.

The monthly content in DesignYou is, on average, 8 live calls that are 90 minutes to 2 hours each. All calls are recorded for viewing later. It will all be there and ready for you when you have time or you need it.

You can’t be successful in business by just working in your business, you have to make time to work ON your business. If you devote just an hour per day to the content in DesignYou, you’ll be amazed at how far you’ll go—and how fast.

What if I can’t keep up?

There’s no such thing as being “behind” in DesignYou. 

The content is designed to help you spend time on the people and things that matter most. It is life-changing content...but you don’t have to consume it all at once or finish it to be ready to move to the next month’s content. Whatever amount you consume each month is exactly the perfect amount for you.

If it’s summertime and you want more time with your kids by the pool, we’ll be here when you get back. If you are having an especially challenging month at work, personally or with relationships, come to DesignYou for help. This program is flexible and although it's self-paced, we'll help keep you motivated, challenge you to move forward, and guide you every step of the way. 

Perhaps a better question to ask yourself is this: What if you do all the work? What amazing things will happen? 

I can’t wait to find out with you.

How do I know if DesignYou is worth the investment?

The easy answer: You dive in and try. 

The long-winded answer: I'm not in the business of putting anyone in debt. But I AM in the business of making sure you achieve the success you're after. To get there, you have to invest. I've intentionally kept DesignYou super reasonable. In fact, DesignYou member Lori will tell you: “...when I saw the pricing, I was like, you have gotta be effing kidding me. I'm going to get access to somebody who knows. It was a no brainer.”

 Still, I understand it’s a leap.

The truth is, you can’t afford not to do this work. And when you transform your mindset, your schedule, and your business model, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

I have a question that’s not answered here…

My team and I are all ears. Never hesitate to reach out at 

You’re done hustling for the next big project without a long-term business plan.

What will you choose?

Design your business, your projects, and your profits so you can unleash your true creativity.

Want to get crystal clear on what you'll accomplish in DesignYou? Click Here to book a free Discovery Call!
Tobi Fairley
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